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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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2 Postdoc positions to explore the world of mole ... (No replies)

3 years ago
baaden 3 years ago

I am seeking two post-doctoral fellows to start immediately in my lab. The positions I am looking to fill are very good positions in France, described below. They deal with immersive scientific visualization of membrane proteins, their assembly and omic data. My lab is focused on the development of novel approaches for interactive visualization of molecular structures, including using UnityMol to create 3D user interfaces and Virtual Reality applications. The positions will involve the development of novel software components for high throughput molecular visualization, as well as challenging biological applications. We are looking for someone that is passionate about Molecular Biology who also has skills in computer programming and graphics design. See more details at the following links:

More information about the institute and work environment is described through a series of short videos with testimonials and overviews.

I hope you will be interested in joining our team!


Marc Baaden


Come explore the world of molecules!

UnityMol poster presentation VCBM 2020

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials