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- 17thETSFWorkshop REPORT (91 KiB)
- 2012CAMD REPORT (0.2 MiB)
- 2012EMRS REPORT (78 KiB)
- 2ndTYC REPORT (0.6 MiB)
- Baltic May12 (0.4 MiB)
- Barcelona Jan12 (1.8 MiB)
- Benasque Jan12 (2.1 MiB)
- Berlin Aug12 (2.5 MiB)
- CECAM Jun12 (0.4 MiB)
- CECAM Nov12 (86 KiB)
- CO2Reduction REPORT (34 KiB)
- ElectronCorrelations REPORT (0.9 MiB)
- ETSFYoungResearchers REPORT (0.3 MiB)
- FHI-aimsUsers REPORT (83 KiB)
- Graphene REPORT (58 KiB)
- GraphiticSurfaces REPORT (0.4 MiB)
- Levi Feb12 (0.6 MiB)
- LocalisedOrbitals REPORT (0.7 MiB)
- MachineLearning REPORT (0.4 MiB)
- MonteCarlo REPORT (0.1 MiB)
- Nano-spintronics REPORT (0.2 MiB)
- QuantumTransport REPORT (0.2 MiB)
- Trieste Jan13 (55 KiB)
- VanderWaals REPORT (0.4 MiB)
- Vienna Sep12 (0.2 MiB)
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- NABF 2018 Report Psi-K (0.3 MiB)
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- 01 CECAM PCPV Abstract Book (0.4 MiB)
- 2020 Psi-k Community Meeting (7.2 MiB)
- CECAM DFG2019Report CEP TW2 (36 KiB)
- CECAM WS CEP 2019 Gruppenfoto (1.8 MiB)
- Cep Poster (1.4 MiB)
- ElDeBaAp scientific report (55 KiB)
- ETSF YRM Report (0.5 MiB)
- List Of Participants (17 KiB)
- List Of Participants (0.1 MiB)
- List Of Participants - Psi-k Report (17 KiB)
- MSSC2017 Psi-k Report (0.6 MiB)
- MSSC2017 Psi-k Report (0.6 MiB)
- Total Energy And Force Methods - Booklet (1.2 MiB)
- Total Energy And Force Methods - Booklet (1.2 MiB)