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School on Wannier90 v3.0: new features and appli ... (No replies)

4 years ago
mostofi 4 years ago

Dear all,

Due to ongoing concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic, we have taken the decision to cancel the physical meeting of the Wannier90 School (25-27th March 2020, Oxford), and to run a “Virtual Edition” online on the same dates.

Talks will be given via videoconference with Zoom [1] (which has clients for most mobile and desktop platforms). Hands-on tutorials will also be held virtually, with participants running tutorials on their own computers within the Quantum Mobile virtual machine [2]. Tutorial materials will be made available online to everybody after the event, and we will also record some selected talks and sessions to be shared online afterwards. The new schedule for the Wannier90 School can be found here: http://www.wannier.org/events/school-2020-virtual-edition/

By converting the Wannier90 School to an online event, we are able to accommodate around 10 additional participants for the talks and hands-on sessions.

We ask people who are interested in participating in this Virtual Edition of the Wannier90 School to complete this google form https://forms.gle/LYMhBgyFUSTvpo8s6 by the deadline of Wednesday 18th March 23:59 AoE [3].

For participants who were previously accepted to the School, we kindly ask that they re-register using this new form by the same deadline (and they will be automatically accepted). In this case, just write "Already accepted" in the fields asking for explanation of your motivation. 

We will inform accepted participants by Friday 20th March, including technical details about how to connect online.

We hope that the new format of the event will be effective and prove useful not only to participants but also to the broader community when the course materials are made more widely available. We also hope that it may serve as a template for future events that either cannot be held in person or that desire wider participation of researchers for whom travel is more difficult.

For any queries related to the Wannier90 school, please email [email protected]

Best wishes,

Arash Mostofi, Nicola Marzari, Giovanni Pizzi, Ivo Souza, Valerio Vitale and Jonathan Yates.

[1] https://zoom.us
[2] https://www.materialscloud.org/work/quantum-mobile ; a release candidate of the version 20.03.0 is being tested, and the release version will be available prior to the School.
[3] https://time.is/Anywhere_on_Earth

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials