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Reminder-Recent Advances in Computer-aided Mater ... (No replies)

8 years ago
huantd 8 years ago

Dear Colleagues,

Please notice that the abstract submission deadline of symposium "Recent Advances in Computer-aided Materials Design", organized within Materials Science and Technology Conference (MS&T17, October 8-12, 2017: Pittsburgh, USA), is March 15, 2017.

A description of MS&T17 can be found at http://www.programmaster.org/MST17, from which the symposium can be navigated. The direct URL of the symposium is


(sorry for the long link). A poster of the symposium is also enclosed.

We look forward to meeting you in Pittsburgh.

Best regards
Huan Tran (University of Connecticut), Ghanshyam Pilania (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Alexey Kolmogorov (Binghamton University), Mina Yoon (Oak Ridge National laboratory), and Son Hoang (University of Connecticut)


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials