All posts by HermesTeam

Hermes is an international summer school committed to excellence in materials modelling and science communication. The interdisciplinary summer school is organised by PhD students from a variety of different institutions. Each of them previously attended a Hermes summer school and were inspired to build upon them to provide the opportunities to a new cohort.

Hermes 2016. Multiscale modelling and science communication

Hermes 2016
Hermes 2016 – demanding workshop had drained all the seriousness from the participants and organisers.


Erich Wimmer’s key note talk kick started a summer school on multi-scale materials modelling and science communication. Erich shared an exciting story of his personal journey and work in the field of computational materials science – with experience in academia, industry and even running a company (a co-founder at Materials Design).

A human element shone throughout the talk, emphasising  the importance of collaboration and the relationships between colleagues for making the numerous advances in the field possible, and importantly making the process fun and rewarding.

Following the Q&A session informal discussions continued over the dinner in the beautiful dining halls of the Cumberland Lodge. The evening ended with an informal ice-breaking game of treasure hunt, allowing the participants to relax, explore the great Windsor Park and the lodge itself while getting to know each other. Demanding several days awaited – a series of master classes each focusing on time/length scale beyond the familiar grounds for most of the participants; a series of work shops on engaging presentations, communication through infographics and a technical session on data visualization using Mathematica leading to group projects and individual presentations. Continue reading Hermes 2016. Multiscale modelling and science communication