All posts by agali

Postdoctoral Positions in Solid-State Quantum Information Processing – Adam Gali Grou

The Adam Gali Group is offering new postdoctoral positions in the field of solid-state quantum information processing in the vibrant and charming city of Budapest. The team focuses on developing and applying ab initio methods to discover and characterize solid-state quantum bits, as well as designing quantum optics protocols for quantum computation, quantum communication, and quantum sensing. Our research delves into the in-depth analysis of electronic states of matter to uncover novel phenomena that can be leveraged for next-generation optoelectronics and quantum devices.

We collaborate with world-leading experimentalists as part of various European research projects, enabling direct validation of our simulation results in cutting-edge laboratories—both at partner institutions and at our host institute. This synergy significantly advances the development of quantum technologies.

Interested candidates should submit a motivation letter and two reference letters to Prof. Adam Gali at [email protected].

Defects in solids for quantum technologies – 2024

From 10th to 14th June 2024 the second conference devoted to first-principles calculations of defect qubits’ magneto-optical and spin properties for quantum technologies was held at the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest, Hungary where theory also met experiments to discuss scientific issues.

This conference welcomed 154 participants from 28 countries registered for the workshop from 5 continents including the organizers. The participants showed up in person at the workshop site and attended the scientific talks except for one attendee with on-line participation. The final scientific program of the workshop lasted for five full days, included 18 invited talks, 41 contributing talks, and a poster session with 87 posters, and a Discussion session about single defect engineering with leading experimentalists and theorist. The event was sponsored jointly by the Psi-k organization, CECAM HQ, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary), Quantum Information National Laboratory of Hungary, and the Applied Physics Letters. Continue reading Defects in solids for quantum technologies – 2024