Water, water everywhere; nor any drop to drink , Sheffield, 4-6 January 2006 (Final report )
NIC winter school 2006 “Computational nanoscience: do it yourself” , Forschungszentrum Jülich, 14-22 February 2006.
Ab initio description of iron and steel (ADIS2006) status and future challenges , Ringberg Castle, Germany, 19-24 February 2006. (Final report )
Data representation and code interoperability for computational materials physics and chemistry , Lyon, France, 19-21 April 2006. (Final report )
International workshop on orbital and spin magnetism of actinides (IWOSMA-3) , Lyon, France, 1-2 June 2006. (Final report )
Mineral physics with computation and experiment , Lyon, France,19-23 June 2006. (Final report )
Progress in ab initio modelling of biomolecules: methods and applications , Leiden, Netherlands, 3-7 July 2006.(Final report )
Atomistic methods for materials and biological systems , Lyon, France, 10-13 July 2006. (Final report )
Simulation and theory for molecular magnetism , Lyon, France, 18-21 July 2006 (Final report )
Summer school on electronic structure calculations and correlated materials , Les Houches, France, 27 August – 8 September 2006. (Final report )
Time-dependent density functional theory: prospects and applications , Benasque, Spain, 27 August – 11 September 2006. (Final report )
Catalysis from first principles , Lyon, France, 11-14 September 2006. (Final report )
Ab Initio spectroscopy of electronic excitations: a decade of applications of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. , Houffalize, Belgium, 19-22 September 2006 (Final report ).
Multiscale modeling of cohesion and structure of extended defects in metallic materials , Wroclaw, Poland, 24-26 September 2006 (Final report ).
Conference on computational magnetism and spintronics , Jülich, Germany, 2-4 October 2006. (Final report )
KKR-workshop: new developments, applications, and collaborations , Bristol, 20-22 October 2006. (Final report )
Simulations of novel carbon materials , Lyon, France, 25-28 October 2006. (Final report )
Quantum simulation of liquids and solids; CECAM, Lyon, France, 30 October – 10 November 2006 (Final report )
Simulating matter at the nano-scale using density functional theory, pseudopotentials and plane waves; CECAM, Lyon, France, 13-17 November 2006 (Final report )
Quantum transport and non-adiabatic electron evolution from first principles approaches ; Lyon, France, 4-8 December 2006 (Final report )
Uppsala graduate school on modern electronic structure theory , Uppsala University, Sweden, 11-18 December 2006.
Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials