CECAM Psi-k Research Conference 2023

Interested in promoting discussion and fostering collaborations in research areas of broad mutual interest for CECAM and Psi-k?

Submit your expression of interest to organize a CECAM Psi-k Research Conference in 2023 by filling the simple form at:


Deadline for submission of the expression of interest: 4 September 2022

Diversity (specific expertise in simulation and modelling, geographical, gender, career stage…) and interdisciplinarity among organisers and participants are key evaluation criteria.

The CECAM Psi-k Research Conference is a forum to explore and foster progress in exciting new topics and open questions of interest to different communities in simulation and modeling, rather than another opportunity to showcase consolidated research. The proposed duration and format of the event should reflect this spirit, with ample time set aside for common discussions and informal exchanges.

Details of previous CECAM Psi-k Research Conferences can be found online.

If selected for further evaluation, you will be invited to submit a full proposal – format similar to previous years – at the end of September 2022, with a deadline for submission on 31 October 2022.