Principles of light-induced charge transfer for optogenetics 

14-16 June 2021, online 

The “Principles of light-induced charge transfer for optogenetics” workshop was held online from June 14 to June 16, 2021. 

The workshop was attended by 81 participants The total number of participants is 81 coming from 16 countries, as specified: Italy: 42; United States of America: 8; Germany: 7; India: 6; United Kingdom: 3; Poland: 3; Netherlands: 2; Austria: 2; Hungary: 1; Czech Republic: 1; Cameroon: 1; China: 1; Belgium: 1; France: 1; Israel: 1; Egypt: 1.

14 participants were invited speakers, 17 were contributing speakers, 3 were members of the CT4OPTO scientific committee, and 3 of the organizing committee. The event was organized by the Institute Nanoscience of the National Research Council of Italy, the University of L’Aquila and the University of Southern California. The event was sponsored by Psi-k, received the patronage of Cecam-IT-Simul, and was supported by Gruppo Alchimie for technical assistance.  Continue reading PRINCIPLES OF LIGHT-INDUCED CHARGE TRANSFER FOR OPTOGENETICS

2022-23 CECAM-Psi-k Research Conference

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

CECAM and Psi-k are publishing their joint annual call to organise a high-profile common research conference on an outstanding subject in the broad area of computational molecular and materials science; topics can range from applications in solid-state materials, soft matter, or biomolecules, to theoretical, methodological, and algorithmic advances. Information about previous research conferences can be found on the CECAM and Psi-k web sites.

This joint initiative intends to promote interdisciplinary exchange across the areas indicated above and focus on exceptional scientific challenges. Fostering discussion of new developments and synergies between areas is a key objective of this conference. We strongly encourage proposals with organizing teams and participants from different specific scientific domains and complementary expertise.

The conference should typically last between 3.5 and 5 days, and target a maximum of 100 participants, with a structure and format dedicated to foster plentiful discussions and informal interactions among the participants, proactively engaged by conference organizers and discussion leaders.

Proposals must be submitted HERE. All conference proposals will be peer reviewed, discussed, and ranked by a scientific panel composed of three members proposed by CECAM and three trustees of Psi-k.

In the proposal, emphasis should be placed on outlining the challenging scientific issues that will be the focus of the event, and in establishing the proposed list of speakers and participants. Active participation of scientists at different stages of their career, and especially early stages, is strongly encouraged, as is diversity (e.g. gender, scientific domain, geographical spread) in the speakers and organisers.

The proposal should include information on the venue (anywhere in the EU, UK, and associated countries – Iceland, Norway, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Moldova, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Ukraine, Tunisia, Georgia, Armenia), and a tentative budget. Organizers can be based at institutions worldwide. CECAM and Psi-k are committed to support the event with up to 30,000 euro. Conference fees may be charged only to cover costs.

The call will be open until September 5th 2021 and the final outcome will be communicated at the end of November 2021. Proposals that are not selected will be considered also for regular CECAM and Psi-k activities, if the organisers activate this option in the submission. The conference must take place between Apr 2022 and Mar 2023, avoiding for this year overlap with Psi-k 2022, that will be held August 22-25 2022.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Ignacio Pagonabarraga

CECAM Director


Peter Haynes

Psi-k Chair