From 27th to 31th January 2020 the YAMBO school devoted to first-principles calculations of electronic excited state properties in Novel Materials was held at the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics on the Miramare seafront in Trieste. This school welcomed 56 participants from 22 countries, and 18 staff members among lecturers, teaching assistants, and organizers. The event was sponsored jointly by the Max Centre of Excellence Materials at Exascale, ICTP, and Psi-k network. The participants were 65% Master or PhD students and 35% postdocs. Overall participated 75% males and 25% females.
The goal of the school was to provide training on theoretical and computational methods to study the exciting properties with a particular focus on Novel Materials of interest for optoelectronics. In the morning, the students followed lectures on the fundamentals, from Density Functional Theory to linear response and many-body perturbation theory. A completely new session has been dedicated to real-time MBPT methods and simulations which are able to tackle electronic correlation beyond linear response.
The theoretical lectures were followed by technical ones on the implementation, within first principles, of the main theoretical equations, with a special focus on the Yambo code. Continue reading Computational School on Electronic Excitations in Novel Materials Using the Yambo Code