The series of ADIS workshops is inspired by the impressive variety of competing mechanisms on the microscopic/atomic scale, which determine the performance of engineering materials such as steels. Accordingly, the main scope of the workshops is a thorough and detailed discussion of this behavior, in order to understand the underlying physics and to contribute to a further systematic improvement of the materials. We are convinced that a truly predictive approach to materials modeling needs to be based on a fundamental ab initio level, rooted in the laws of nature rather than empiricism. This is also the driving force for the collaborative research centre SFB761 Steel ab initio, which is devoted to a quantum-mechanically guided design in high- and medium-Mn steels and funding this workshop. We are grateful that the importance of this development is further recognized by the Psi-k Charity, which is financially supporting ADIS2016. Continue reading International Workshop on Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel: Mechanical Properties (ADIS2016)