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PISACMS2019 opens to professionals in the privat ... (1 reply)

Antonino Marco Saitta
5 years ago

You are a working professional in the industry, come participate to the 5th edition of the annual school "Paris International School on Advanced Computational Materials Science (PISACMS)", which will be held from Sun Aug 25th to Sun Sep 1st, 2019, in the Jussieu Pierre et Marie Curie campus of Sorbonne Université, in the heart of the Latin Quarter of central Paris.

You will have the opportunity to be in total immersion with university researchers and being formed to atomic, molecular and condensed phase computational methods, from theory to the most advanced approaches, going from the very microscopic to the macroscopic: Density Functional Theory, classical Monte-Carlo and molecular dynamics, ab initio molecular dynamics, metadynamics, linear response, lattice-Boltzmann methods, Quantum Monte-Carlo, Path-Integral, Machine Learning.

Our ambition is to make you aware of the fundamental principles of each methods, and then able to choose the most adapted one(s) for a given scientific problem. The broad panel of approaches we propose both via theory lessons and computer lab "projects", is unique. 

This school benefits both from the exceptional central Paris environment, and from the local concentration of young and confirmed experts-teachers in each specific theme of the school, including Michele Casula, Guillaume Ferlat, Fabio Finocchi, Marie Jardat, Michele Lazzeri, Maximilien Levesque, Virginie Marry, Fabio Pietrucci, Benjamin Rotenberg, A. Marco Saitta, Mathieu Salanne, Ari Seitsonen, Rodolphe Vuilleumier. The success of PISACMS is attested by the hugely increasing number of applications we receive year after year.

For more information about the program, please consult the PISACMS: http://pisacms.sciencesconf.org/

You can choose à la carte to follow the entire program or, at your convenience, to participate in the days of your choice.

For practical information, please inquire with

[email protected]


Antonino Marco Saitta
5 years ago

PS: This call is EXCLUSIVELY addressed to private sector researchers, not to academic ones, whose call is already closed.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials