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APS March Meeting 2020 - Focus Session: Matter i ... (No replies)

5 years ago
ezurek 5 years ago

Submit your abstracts to the APS March Meeting: Denver March 2-6, 2020!


We are looking forward to your contribution to session 16.01.01

Matter in Extreme Environments - DCOMP/DMP

This session will focus on the behavior of matter under extreme conditions of pressure, strain,
compression and impacts, often in combination with extreme electromagnetic fields and particle
irradiation. It will bring together theoreticians and experimentalists from a broad range of fields
including physics, chemistry, materials science, as well as earth and planetary science and
astrophysics for discussions in areas that include, but are not limited to, the following:

* New quantum behavior found at extremes such as superconductivity with
critical temperatures approaching room temperature.
* New theoretical and computational techniques including methods for
crystal structure prediction, improved treatment of electronic structure
and properties calculations, as well as the development of algorithms to
advance dynamic and multi-scale simulations.
* The behavior of matter in strong magnetic and electric fields.
* The development of novel experimental techniques and diagnostics.
* High pressure and high temperature synthesis of novel materials.
* Materials behavior under static and dynamic compression including phase
transitions, equations of states, chemical reactivity and the
emergence of novel properties.
* Warm dense matter.
* Novel materials, including: energetic, superhard, quantum, earth and
planetary science inspired.
* Melting, and the behavior of liquids under extreme conditions.
* Biophysics at extreme conditions, including deep life.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials