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2nd announcement of the last EUSpec training sch ... (No replies)

6 years ago
HeikeH 6 years ago

Dear colleague, 

EUSpec is organizing its last training school on codes 
in Sofia (Bulgaria) from the 15th until the 18th of January 2018. 

Four codes will be represented: ASE, Bethe-Salpeter, Exciting and StoBe. Stobe is a quantum chemistry code, Exciting is an all-purpose electronic structure/spectroscopy code, while Bethe-Salpeter is more focused on a good description of the electron-hole interaction. ASE (Atomic Simulation Environment) is a Python framework that is now commonly used as a front-end by many mainstream ab initio codes.

You will find enclosed the program of the school and some information about its location.

Registration can be made by contacting the organizers: 

Miroslava Nedyalkova : [email protected] 
Hristiyan Alexandrov: [email protected] 

Any participant to the school belonging to one of the EUSpec countries can be supported by our COST action. This financial support takes the form of a grant that should cover most of the expenses.

Best regards, 

Hubert and Didier 


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials