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ZERO-FRICTION: a new nanoscale quantum mechanism ... (No replies)

8 months ago
ambroset 8 months ago

Quasi-frictionless water transport was experimentally detected in narrow carbon nanotubes [1], and gets more and more pronounced [2] as the nanotube radius is decreased towards the nanometer scale. A solid theoretical rationalization for this counterintuitive effect is still lacking, but failure of semi-classical approaches indicates that the underpinning mechanism must have quantum-mechanical nature [3].

We offer a two-years postdoc fellowship to address quantum-mechanical friction suppression, complementing our preliminary research [4]. Ab-initio static and dynamical simulations will be supported by quantum mechanical perturbative analysis, to incorporate quantum friction effects.

This pioneering research requires a motivated individual, with solid theoretical background in physics or chemistry, and deep understanding of quantum mechanics. The research activity will be performed in close collaboration with the solid state theory group of the University of Padova and with international collaborations. Experience with semi-classical force-fields software (such as GROMACS) is appreciated.

The University of Padova is conveniently located in northern Italy, 50 km from Venice. With an history of 800 years, Padova hosted scientists of the caliber of Galileo Galilei, and consistently ranks among the top universities in Italy.

If interested, please directly contact Dr. Alberto Ambrosetti by email: [email protected]

[1] M. Majumder et al. Nature 438, 44 (2005)
[2] E. Secchi et al. Nature 537 : 210-213 (2016)
[3] A. Michaelides Nature 537 : 171–172 (2016)
[4] A. Ambrosetti, et al. PRL (2023)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials