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Winton Advanced Research Fellowships (Group Lead ... (No replies)

6 years ago
bartomeu.monserrat 6 years ago
Winton Advanced Research Fellowships (Group Leaders) in the Physics of Sustainability
Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Deadline for applications 17 October 2018
The Winton Advanced Research Fellowship scheme supports outstanding, scientists, providing generous support packages comparable to those for Assistant Professor positions to enable Fellows to establish and lead their own independent research group. We are looking for candidates with new ambitious programmes that expand the range of research activities within the Cavendish Laboratory, and welcome proposals that cross traditional boundaries between physics and other sciences and engineering disciplines.

Candidates are expected to be of the calibre that would be competitive for schemes such as the Royal Society University Research Fellowship (URF), European Research Council (ERC) Starting grants and Assistant Professorship positions across the world. Fellows are expected to win permanent posts in universities at the end of their fellowships. A list of the current Fellows and details of their broad range of research interests can be found at
Candidates will normally have completed at least one post-doctoral appointment and Fellowships will be of 5 years' duration with start-up funding available for:

  • Small and large equipment to enable new research directions to be started
  • Laboratory and computing facility set up costs and on-going operating expenses including access charges
  • Full funding for a graduate student with additional studentships available through Departmental allocations, Doctoral Training Centres and various Cambridge Scholarship schemes
  • Laboratory and office space for Fellow and their group members
  • Travel budget to build international collaborations and attend conferences
Proposed projects should be in new areas or take new approaches in established areas related to research in the broad field of the application of physics to sustainability.
Details of the Winton Programme can be found at and enquires and further information can be obtained by contacting the Winton Programme manager Dr Nalin Patel ([email protected]).
Follow link to apply online

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials