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Visiting Scholar Positions in Computational Elec ... (No replies)
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Applications are invited for a few short-term (3-6 months) visiting scholar positions in the School of Chemical Engineering at Purdue University.
The successful candidates will mainly work on the project “Towards overcoming scaling rules and durability challenges of low-PGM ORR catalysts” as part of the ECS-Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship under the supervision of Dr. Zhenhua Zeng, in the group of Prof. Jeff Greeley. The candidates will collaborate closely with Toyota Motor North America (TMNA) and associated experimental groups that are funded by TMNA. In addition, the candidates will also have the opportunity to collaborate with the other leading scientists in the field of electrochemical energy conversion and storage.
The candidates are expected to have the following qualifications:
Candidates with experience in any of the following topics will be preferred:
The following recent publications form part of the foundation of the current project and might be of interest to the applicants:
Interested candidates are invited to send a full CV with the publication list, a 1-2 page cover letter that summarizes the education and research background, expertise and motivation, and the name of two references (all in one pdf file) to [email protected]. The deadline for the application is March 31, 2020.