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Visiting professor position at Uberlândia, Braz ... (No replies)

7 years ago
marianamod 7 years ago

The Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) seeks applications for visiting professors starting Spring 2018. The position is intended preferrably for non-Brazilian young professors or senior post-docs. The initial contract is for two years, renewable for further two years. Within this period we will possibly have openings of permanent positions, due to retirement of current faculty. The hired professor will work mainly in the graduate program in physics, teaching courses and supervising students in the graduate program in Physics. For more details on the position itself, please check the website: .

Application dates: from Jan 15th to Feb 19th, 2018
Salary: from R$ 11.323,00 (~US$ 3300,00) up to R$ 19.440,00 (~US$ 5800,00) per month, which will be defined by the qualification of the candidate.

The city Uberlândia (from ubere = fertile, from Latin) is located in the countryside of Brazil, in the state of Minas Gerais. It is about 400 km from São Carlos, and about 800 km from São Paulo and Campinas. There is a good airport that allows easy connection to São Paulo and capitals. The city has a population of about 700k people, with good traffic infrastructure and public parks. The city offers a low cost of living, safety, several pubs and restaurants, with an unique gastronomy.

The UFU Physics department started in the 80's, and since 2000's it is an Institute. The faculty hosts about 40 professors in Condensed Matter Physics, Medical Physics, and Physics Education. The research lines span across

- band structure (DFT, k.p, group theory), topological insulators, superconductors
- electronic transport, optical and thermal properties
- spin-dependent phenomena
- strongly correlated systems (DMRG, NRG)
- quantum optics and quantum information
- growth and characterization of materials (semiconductors, ferroelectrics, spectroscopy, magnetic properties, nanoparticles)

More information about the opening is available at:



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials