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VIMMP Job Opportunities at the STFC’s Computat ... (No replies)
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RSE - Computer/Data Scientist (3 years fixed term, full time) –
RSE - Computational Scientist (3 years fixed term, full time) –
Salary: £31,056-£43,072 (inclusive of annual allowance and depending on experience)
Closing date for applications: 15th December 2017
We are looking for adaptable and experienced computer and computational scientists with interests in research software creation, interoperability and data curation. Knowledge, experience or a higher degree in materials or multiscale modelling are advantageous. The ability to design, specify and implement complex algorithms in software using high-level programming and scripting languages is essential – extensive practical knowledge of Fortran/C and Python is crucial.
For the Computer Scientist experience in working with high performance computing environments, developing and managing software and data in those environments is essential. Interest in particle-based simulations and experience in multidisciplinary research are desirable.
For the Computational Scientist, previous experience in using more than one type of modelling method is a must, and experience with developing coarse-graining strategies, mesoscale modelling techniques and workflows for multiscale modelling is highly advantageous.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are required to communicate and collaborate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds, along with effective presentational skills to deliver to technical and non-technical audiences. Experience in participating in projects across organisations (academic and industrial) will be beneficial.
You will be educated to a PhD or equivalent level in an appropriate discipline, or with relevant experience, with good communication skills and the ability to solve complex problems and work independently.
Two talented individuals will get the chance join the Virtual Materials Market Place (VIMMP) team at the Computational Chemistry Group. The objectives of the VIMMP project (Horizon 2020) are to work towards an easily accessible 'one-stop' user-friendly hub to provide interoperable materials modelling software and workflows that can be accessed by commercial companies, including both SMEs and larger industrial organisations.
Underpinning this hub will be an open simulation platform reliant on moving data between simulations in a coherent manner. This will be facilitated with newly-created open data standards containing metadata, taxonomies and ontologies identifying simulation data origins and forms, which will be implemented in various modelling software packages. In the first instance the practices will be developed and demonstrated within the DL_MESO and DL_POLY packages.
You will work together to exploit knowledge of modelling methodologies and involve elements of underlying research in data structuring and formatting to meet the challenges in developing the required metadata, as well as implementing it in various codes and testing it for industrially-relevant use cases.
For full job specifications and how to apply please follow the UKRI Job Board links:
Computer/Data Scientist (3 years fixed term, full time) –
Computational Scientist (3 years fixed term, full time) –
Applications are handled by UK SBS online. Applicants who are unable to apply online should contact SBS by telephone on +44 (0)1793 867000.
Ilian Todorov and Michael Seaton