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VASP expert for 1D nanowire simulation at SKKU (1 reply)

7 years ago
joon 7 years ago

-Ph.D. (scholarship program) or Postdoc positions are available for computational material science. 

The topics is:

1-D nanowire material property analysis 
(Experience with VASP program package is required for the postdoc applicant.)


If you are interested in these topics, please write me (Prof. Joonsuk Huh; [email protected]) an email with your CV and a cover letter. 

For Ph.D. applicant: the next application is going to open from Nov 8, 2017 to Nov 21, 2017. 

If no response within a week, please note that your application is not actively considered. 

7 years ago
joon 7 years ago

Position filled.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials