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Vacancies at Skoltech: Landau PhD fellowships an ... (No replies)

6 years ago
artem 6 years ago

Computational Materials Science Program at Skoltech (Russia) offers several postdoc and PhD positions, as well as visiting positions. The most prestigious scholar positions are named after great scientists whose careers were spent in Russia.
Each postdoc or PhD student will be mentored by two professors. Candidates should submit their application packages to their prospective mentors. The application package should include: one-page research proposal, CV, three reference letters and academic transcripts, all in a single PDF binder. For more details of our Program, please see:

PhD Landau Fellow: The Program will sponsor several PhD Fellowships per year starting from 2019. The overarching purpose of these fellowships is a promotion of interdisciplinary collaborations. As a rule, a joint mentorship model of the graduate student should be executed. Namely, the PhD student should be co-mentored by two faculties and work on the project cross-cutting expertise across these research groups, such as theory/experiment (within the same CREI research) or theory/modeling (for inter-CREI research).

Postdoctoral Fock Fellow: The Program will sponsor several Postdoctoral Fellowships per year starting from 2019. The overarching purpose of these fellowships is a promotion of interdisciplinary collaborations. As a rule, a joint mentorship model of the postdoc should be executed. Namely, the postdoc should be co-mentored by two faculties and work on the project cross-cutting expertise across these research groups, such as theory/experiment (within the same CREI) or theory/modeling (for inter-CREI). Importantly, the postdoctoral scholar is expected to work fairly independently and actively interact with groups participating in the Program, beyond the immediate supervisors.

We provide internationally competitive conditions, excellent salaries and medical insurance, and state of the art research conditions and environment.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials