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Up to 5 Post-doctoral positions on simulations o ... (No replies)
deadline for applications: January 15th, 2018
Applications are invited for up to five post-doctoral positions in a multi-institutional research effort funded by the State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP-Brazil) in the area of computational simulations on the properties of interfaces.
The specific areas of interest are
1) Interactions between impurities and interface, and topological insulators
2) Non-equilibrium properties of water/metal interfaces
3) Optical and electron-phonon interactions in layered materials
4) Materials by design: halide perovskites and other PV compounds
5) Computational nanofluidics and confinement effects on fluid-solid interfaces
Candidates are required to have a good working knowledge of density functional theory and / or Molecular Dynamics. Coding skills in one or more computing language, knowledge of high performance computing, machine learning and high throughput methods are a plus.
Candidates are expected to work in collaboration with one (or more) of the Principal investigators of the project, and will be based in their corresponding institution depending on the specific project.
Prof. Adalberto Fazzio (Nanoscience National Laboratory, Campinas, Brazil)
Prof. Antonio Jose Roque da Silva (Brazilian National Syncrotron Laboratory)
Prof. Gustavo Dalpian (Co-location in Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo Andre and in University of Colorado Boulder, USA with Prof. A. Zunger),
Prof. Alexandre Reily Rocha (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Sao Paulo)
Prof. Caetano Rodrigues Miranda (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo),
The positions are initially available for two years, with the possibility of renewal for up two years extension. The montly FAPESP fellowship is currently in Brazilian Reais R$ 7.174,80 (tax free) plus moving costs (additional 1 month sallary + travel expenses) and research expenses. A world-class high-performance computing (HPC) facilities are available.
Interested candidates should send a cover letter together with a CV and the names and contact information of at least two researchers who could give references to your previous work and potential as a researcher to [email protected]
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