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UNSW Scientia Scholarship in AI for Catalyst Dev ... (1 reply)

6 years ago
amaxiom 6 years ago


The development of impactful new catalysts is often hampered by lack of understanding how key structural motifs provide access to desirable properties and how to rationally synthesis materials to maximize these structures effectiveness toward reactivity. The result has arguably caused a split in methodologies toward materials development, either adhere to trial-and-error approaches that often ignore the underlying fundamental science or dig deep into developing structure/function relationships at the cost of possible speed in discovery. This project aims to speed-up the development of new enhanced catalysts by fusing synchrotron characterization with artificial intelligence to quickly and unbiasedly enable new synthetic routes.


The ideal candidate will need to have some experience in one of the following areas: 1) materials characterization using synchrotron techniques; 2) computational materials chemistry; 3) artificial intelligence, 4) materials synthesis and catalysis characterization. While having experience is multiple areas is a desirable, it is not required as a prospective candidate will be working in a highly interdisciplinary team with supervisory experience in each of these areas. The candidate should also be able to work in a team environment and be willing to be the conduit between experimental and computational efforts.


To apply for this prestigious scholarship, follow this link and complete your online application.

For questions about the project for your eligibility, contact Nick Bedford at [email protected]
6 years ago
jug328 6 years ago

Dear Professor,


Herewith I would like to submit my applications for the Post-Doctor position in your research group. My research interest covers the investigation of designing efficient, stable, and non-toxic perovskite solar cells (PSCs) by using state-of-the-art density functional theory (DFT) calculations and I published 15 papers including 2 papers in Journal of materials Chemistry A (Impact factor > 9.9), 3 papers in Physical review B as the first author.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials