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Unlocking the Fourth Paradigm of Materials Resea ... (No replies)

Matthias Scheffler
6 years ago
Matthias Scheffler 6 years ago

Unlocking the Fourth Paradigm of Materials Research:

Several positions are available in Big-Data-driven Computational Materials Science for Master Students, PhD Students, and Postdocs in Berlin at FAIR-DI e.V. and the NOMAD CoE.

The FAIR-DI association e.V. (FAIR Data Infrastructure, and its NOMAD CoE pillar (Novel Materials Discovery Center of Excellence, recently secured funding for 5 positions for advancing its Big-Data infrastructure with focus on metadata, ontologies, semantics as well as for developing quality-standard and maturity models. 

Besides the mentioned web sites, information about the FAIR-DI/NOMAD activities can be found in two recent publications: The NOMAD Laboratory: From Data Sharing to Artificial Intelligence, Materials Science and its FAIR Data Infrastructure,

Interested scientists should have high-level knowledge in condensed-matter physics, materials science, data science, or software engineering. We need people who develop concepts, algorithms, and computer programs. We don‘t need people who just run codes. The work is deeply embedded into international activities, in particular in Europe, USA, and China.

The postdoc contracts are initially for 1 or 2 years but a prolongation is possible.

If you are interested in such novel and urgent projects, please send your application material, including a motivation letter, CV, and contact details of at least two references as one pdf-file to [email protected].

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials