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University Professor of Computational Material D ... (No replies)
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At the Faculty of Physics of the University of Vienna the position of a
University Professor
Computational Material Discovery
(full time, permanent position; in case of a first-time appointment to a professorship, the appointment may be initially limited – with an extension option) is to be filled.
To strengthen the group Computational Materials Physics, the Faculty of Physics seeks an excellent candidate with a strong background in the computationally driven discovery and design of new materials. The new professorship will complement the existing group members, by providing a link between data science and materials science. The candidate should have a proven record in the application of ab initio density functional theory and large-scale data acquisition. Specifically, expertise in one of the following areas is desirable: (i) Unleash the potential of and discover hidden relationships in big databases created from high throughput first principles simulations. (ii) Design machine learning algorithms to accelerate materials research using first principles methods. (iii) Develop multiscale methods to bridge the length and time scales accessible from first principles to those required to model mesoscopic properties relevant for applications.
For details see the attached pdf file or follow the link: