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University of Helsinki: 5 year University lectur ... (No replies)

8 years ago
hvehkama 8 years ago


The Department of Physics in the Faculty of Science at the University of Helsinki invites applications for a 


According to the Regulations of the University of Helsinki, an appointee to a university lec-tureship shall hold an applicable doctoral degree and be able to provide high-quality teach-ing based on research and to supervise theses and dissertations.

University lecturer in physics with responsibility of computational aerosol physics
The appointment will for five years, starting on 1 January 2017. 

The university lecturer conducts research based on molecular simulations in a recently started ERC Advanced Grant project DAMOCLES in the computational aerosol physics group The central task of the lecturer is to develop realistic models for the formation of ice on the surface of aerosol particles. It is an ad-vantage if the applicant has experience on surface modelling at molecular level. The main teaching responsibility is in computational physics, including renewal and development of teaching in numerical methods and aerosol physics, as well as tasks in teaching administra-tion. Furthermore, the lecturer is expected to be active in preparation and coordination of research projects on aerosol physics and applications of external funding. The lecturer par-ticipates in the supervision of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral theses. The university lec-turer position is research-oriented.

When assessing the qualifications of the applicants, attention shall be paid to scientific pub-lications and other research results of scientific value, teaching experience and pedagogical training, the ability to produce learning materials, other teaching merits and, if necessary, a teaching demonstration.

According to the Government Decree on Universities, university lecturers are required to be proficient in Finnish. They must also have at least satisfactory spoken and written skills in Swedish. Foreign citizens, non-native Finnish citizens or citizens who have not been edu-cated in Finnish or Swedish may be exempted from this requirement without a separate application. 

The salary will be based on levels 5-7 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee will be paid a salary component based on personal work performance. The starting salary range will be 3 800 – 4 500 euros.

Applications must have the following enclosures (in English):
1) an academic portfolio approved by the Faculty (as set out at containing a summary of supervision duties of master’s and doctoral theses and a presentation on how the applicant plans to develop his/her field and its teaching;
2) a list of those publications and other relevant documents on competence and merits that the applicant wishes to be taken into account in the selection process. 

On the Faculty’s request, applicants should prepare to submit up to 10 publications of their choice to be sent to assessors after the application period. The publications shall be sub-mitted the University of Helsinki Recruitment System upon request of the Faculty.

Please submit your application using the University of Helsinki Recruitment System 

Applicants who are employees of the University of Helsinki are requested to leave their ap-plication via the SAP HR portal.

The dead line for applications is 30 September, 2016.

More information can be obtained from the Director of the DAMOCLES project, Professor Hanna Vehkamäki, Hanna.Vehkamaki(at), +358-40-5608807

Apply at latest 30.09.2016


Friday, September 30, 2016

The University of Helsinki is among the leading multidisciplinary research universities in the world. In addition to its 11 faculties, the University includes several independent institutes, some of which are jointly operated with other universities. Some 35,000 students are currently pursu-ing an undergraduate or a postgraduate degree at the University of Helsinki. 

The Department of Physics at the Faculty of Science carries out research on physics, meteorol-ogy, astronomy and geophysics at an international level and provides academic teaching based on high quality research. Research focuses on materials physics, atmospheric sciences as well as in elementary particle physics and astrophysics. The department houses nationally significant research equipment and several research centres of excellence. 

The department forms an accountability unit operating on an annual budget of 27 million euros and reports more than 300 FTE person-years per annum. The department’s professor staff con-sists of 26 full professors, 5 tenure-track assistant/associate professors, and 5 visiting profes-sors. More details on the Department of Physics:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials