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University of Bath Postdoctoral Researcher: Comp ... (No replies)
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University of Bath, Department of Physics
Postdoctoral Researcher: Computational Studies of materials for perovskite solar cells
An EPSRC-funded postdoctoral research position is available to carry out
computational studies of materials for perovskite solar cells as input to a multiscale device model based on kinetic Monte Carlo and drift diffusion approaches.
The postdoc will join the research group of Professor Alison Walker at the
University of Bath:
The project forms part of an EPSRC funded SUPERGEN SuperSolar Hub with strong links with experimental and theory groups at the Universities of Bath, Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial College, Liverpool, Sheffield, and Southampton. There are also links with EU groups through the H2020 projects Extmos, EXTended Model of Organic Semiconductors, (Coordinated by Walker) and EoCoE, Energy oriented Centre of Excellence in computing applications.
Details and online application form are found here:
Closing Date: 26 April 2017 (may be extended given short notice)
Interview Date: 18 May 2017 (interviews will be conducted by skype)
This is a fixed term position for up to 11 months, ideally starting early June.
Salary: £32000 rising to £38000, salary will depend on qualifications and experience