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University lecturer position in computational ae ... (No replies)

3 years ago
hvehkama 3 years ago

The Faculty of Science invites applications for the position of


starting from 1 January 2022 or as agreed.

The university lecturer conducts research in computational aerosol physics, and teaching in the field of sustainability.

The appointee to a university lecturership holds an applicable doctoral degree, is able to provide high-quality research-based teaching and supervise theses and dissertations.

The research is based on molecular dynamic simulations of molecular systems relevant to atmospheric phase transition processes, and is strongly connected to research themes of the computational aerosol physics group. The ideal candidate has experience of one or more of the following: molecular-level surface modelling, especially of ice or other atmospheric systems, including nanosized droplets and bubbles; modelling of molecular collisions and/or evaporations; conformational sampling and stability analysis of molecular clusters. Experience of, or willingness to learn machine learning tools is also considered a strong merit. The university lecturer position is research-oriented.

The university lecturer is expected to be active in applying funding for and coordination of research and/or development projects related to computational aerosol physics and/or the Climate University. The main teaching responsibility of the university lecturer consists of giving 2-4 Climate University courses per year. Climate University is a collaboration project of several universities to foster climate change and sustainability education. At the University of Helsinki, Climate University education is mainly under Master’s Programme in Atmospheric Sciences. Part of the teaching duties may consist of other development work related to the Climate University network. The university lecturer also participates in the supervision of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral theses.

When assessing the qualifications of the applicants, attention is paid to scientific publications and other research results of scientific value, teaching experience and pedagogical training, the ability to produce learning materials, other teaching merits and, if necessary, a teaching demonstration.

The candidate must be fluent in English. Skills in Finnish and/or Swedish are also considered merit.

The salary is based on the salary system of Finnish universities. The salary range is from 4000 to 5000 euros per month.

Applications must have the include the following parts- merged as a single pdf document (in English):
1) an academic portfolio in the format approved by the Faculty of Science (as described at containing a summary of supervision duties of master’s and doctoral theses and a presentation on how the applicant plans to develop his/her field and its teaching;
2) a list of those publications (or a full publication list) and other relevant documents on competence and merits that the applicant wishes to be taken into account in the selection process.

Please submit your application using the University of Helsinki Recruitment System via the link Apply for the position. Applicants who are employees of the University of Helsinki are requested to leave their application via the SAP HR portal.

Deadline for applications is 31 August, 2021.

Further information can be obtained from professor Hanna Vehkamäki, hanna.vehkamaki(at) and professor Markku Kulmala, markku.kulmala(at)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials