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University of Liverpool - Research Fellow in Alg ... (No replies)
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A 5-year Research Fellow position is available within the £10 M Centre for Functional Materials Design funded by the Leverhulme Trust. The post will act as a theme leader in the area of algorithms and machine learning for functional materials design. You should have a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related discipline with a commitment to developing collaborative research within or across the academic networks, external partners and stakeholder groups. Knowledge of the cutting edge of algorithm design and/or machine learning techniques are essential. Application of such techniques to chemical or materials problems would be an advantage, but we will also consider applicants with pure Computer Science or Mathematics backgrounds who are keen to apply their knowledge to new problems.
You will pro-actively progress this research theme, using your own initiative and knowledge and through discussion with the Centre Director, Professor Cooper, and the broader community of researchers in the Centre. You will be expected to perform research at internationally leading level and to ensure that other researchers within the theme (particularly PhD students) are working in an optimal way and communicating across boundaries. This is not a standard research project, but rather a 10-year research centre with the ambitious aim of fundamentally transforming our capability to discover new functional materials.
The level of research performed and the experience offered in engaging with senior UK and international partners will make these posts highly suitable for a transition to an independent academic career. It is important to note that these roles have a broad scope and that many skills sets could be relevant. We are seeking to recruit a team that will allow the centre to succeed, rather than to fill a narrow list of technical requirements. Your application should therefore set out how your skills, experience and capabilities will contribute to the success of the centre at all levels. The post is available for 5 years.
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