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Two-year postdoctoral fellow position in computa ... (No replies)
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We announce a two-year postdoctoral fellow position at Linköping University with formal
placement at the Nanoscale Engineering Division, in the Department of Physics Chemistry
and Biology (
We seek a postdoctoral researcher to perform computational and theoretical research on the formation and morphological evolution thin metal films and 3D nanostructures on weakly-interacting
substrates, including graphene and other 2D materials. Research will focus on the dynamics of film-forming atomic-scale processes and the way by which these processes are affected by the local chemical environment at the film growth front.
The candidate must hold a recent (maximum 3 years) Ph.D. degree in one of the areas of physics and materials science or a closely related field. The successful candidate should be able to demonstrate strong expertise in simulation of dynamic processes (e.g., thin film deposition) using Molecular Dynamics (classical and/or ab initio) exemplified through publications in internationally renowned peer-reviewed journals. Experience with kinetic Monte-Carlo simulation tools and first principle calculations is advantageous. Fluency in written and spoken English, and good programming skills are required. The successful candidate must also be communicative and have the ability to work well individually, as well as in a team consisting of other theoreticians and experimentalists.
Appointment time
The post-doctoral fellow will be recruited for two (2) years
Starting date
As early as possible, but no later than May 31, 2019
Tax-free scholarship according to the rates at Linköping University
Kostas Sarakinos ([email protected])
Davide Sangiovanni ([email protected])