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Two-year Post-doc positions (Co-supervised by P ... (No replies)

6 months ago
Lu 6 months ago

Job Description Summary

Two-year postdoc positions in semiconductor material and heterogeneous catalytic related systems is available in the Zhansheng Lu groups in the School of Physics at Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan, China (, in Chinese; ).

Members of our group are working on several theoretical research directions, including in modelling of semiconductor devices related to many emerging semiconductor technologies, such as electronics and solar energy conversion, other catalysis systems. We also have established long-term active collaborations with many leading experimental groups.

Under minimal supervision, the scholar is expected to perform theoretical and computational research in the areas condensed matter physics, simulation, and theoretically design of new semiconductor devices, materials/catalyst. The scholar should have the ability to develop new computational methods, or utilizing existing ones, to study semiconductor materials and heterogeneous catalytic systems using high performance computing.

Job Description

Essential Functions:

  • Develop new theory or computational methods, or utilize existing methods, to study semiconductor materials and heterogeneous catalytic systems and their industrial important applications.
  • Implement appropriate methods through programing for use in high performance cluster.
  • Maintains accurate and complete records of research, including laboratory notebooks and digital data records.
  • Author articles for publication in scientific journals.
  • Provide research guidance to undergraduate and graduate students in the group.
  • Performs other related duties as assigned.

Required Education, Knowledge, Skills, Abilities:

  • PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, or a related discipline.
  • Age under 35-years.
  • Familiarity with the field of semiconductor materials, catalysis/Materials.
  •  Familiarity with the field of quantum mechanical simulations such as DFT, molecular dynamics simulations, or other related simulations. Machine Learning in semiconductor materials, Catalysis/Materials is preferred
  • Ability to solve problems in the performance of the simulations.
  • Ability to interpret/extract physical meanings from the results of the simulations.
  • Strong communication skills (written required).
  • Ability to work effectively in a group as part of the team.
  • Work in a collaborative environment, including both theorists and experimentalists
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision using the above knowledge and skills.

We offer:

Co-supervised by Prof. Wu at UC Irvine ( ) or Prof. Kersti at Uppsala University (  ), And also possible visiting to their group.


Henan Normal University is a leading university in Henan, recognized for the excellence of its research, education, innovation and scientific advice in Henan. We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment, based on our international cooperation. We strive for academic excellence in an environment characterized by collegial respect and academic freedom tempered by responsibility.


Preferred Education, Knowledge, Skills, Abilities:

  • Research experience in theoretical and computation physics or chemistry with a focus in semiconductor materials, heterogeneous catalysis, or electrocatalysis, or photocatalysis, or Li/Na ion batteries.
  • Strong publication record in top-rated scientific journals, with extensive experience in the preparation and handling of scientific manuscripts, reports and research posters.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ability to guide and train junior researchers.
  • Responsible for own work.

Salary and appointment terms

  • The post-doctoral fellow will be hired for a 2 year, depending on the performance the term can expanded, and starting as soon as possible.
  • Annual salary will be totally 300 000 to 450,000 Chinese yuan RMB (before Tax), strongly depending on the experience and performance.

Material needed from applicants during initial application:

  • Applications must be submitted as one PDF file containing all materials in English or in Chinese in one PDF file to be given consideration. The file must include:
  • Application (1-page cover letter briefly stating research experience and research interest.)
  • CV with contact information of at least two references
  • Diploma (MSc/MSc. Eng and PhD)
  • List of recent “First author” publications, and so on
  • Stating your Age and where you are now.
  • Chat-tool using.


Contact People: Prof. Lu,

E-mail[email protected]


If you want to know more about us, you can consult our websites at

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials