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Two postdoctoral researcher positions in machine ... (No replies)

8 years ago
ghasemi 8 years ago

Two postdoctoral researcher positions are currently available at Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS). The postdoctoral researcher wills be supervised by Dr. Alireza Ghasemi, The successful applicant will be closely involved in computational projects either with the development of code or with the application of machine learning techniques for the simulation of inorganic materials. The research will be conducted in strong collaboration with Prof. Stefan Goedecker (university of Basel) and Dr. Maximilian Amsler (Northwestern University). Applicants are expected to have a PhD, or are awaiting its award in very near future, in Physics or Chemistry with background in computational methods including DFT.

Essential Qualifications:

1) excellent programming skills mainly Fortran and python,
however, C/C++ knowledge can be helpful.

2) good team player

3) good technical writing skills

IASBS is a leading basic research institute in Iran, in particular in condensed mater physics. The net salary for the postdoctoral researcher is about 30 million Iranian Rials (roughly 850 USD) per month. Apartments or dormitory suites for living are provided by the university at low price. A moderate cost of decent food in a month per person in the city of Zanjan is about 200 USD. The position is for one year at the beginning and is renewable for up to one further year based on mutual agreement.

Interested candidates should send a CV, including full list of publications, and two letters of recommendation on behalf of the candidate by email to Dr. Alireza Ghasemi ([email protected]). The two postdoctoral positions are open immediately, and will remain so until filled.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials