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Two Postdoctoral Positions with Dane Morgan at ... (No replies)

6 years ago
rjacobs 6 years ago

We invite applications for either or both the following two postdoctoral positions at the University of Wisconsin – Madison with Professor Dane Morgan in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. 

Position 1: Modeling Metallic Glasses

This work will use molecular simulation to predict both bulk and surface properties of metallic glasses.  The work is part of a Materials Research Science & Engineering Center (MRSEC) center and will therefore involve close interaction with multiple leading experimental groups, enabling career expanding interaction and collaboration with many researchers in the field.

A PhD in materials science, mechanical engineering, physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, or a related field is required.  Familiarity with one or more of glasses modeling, molecular simulation, modern programming techniques, and materials informatics is preferred, but capable and enthusiastic applicants with varied background will be considered.

Position 2: Modeling of Precipitate Evolution in Steels

This work will use multiscale alloy thermokinetic modeling to predict precipitate formation and associated mechanical property changes in complex steels, with a focus on radiation effects and the critical challenges for present and next generation nuclear reactors.  The work is part of active collaborations with top experimental groups and will enable career expanding interaction and collaboration with many researchers in the field.

A PhD in materials science, physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, nuclear engineering, or a related field is required.  Familiarity with one or more of modern programming techniques, materials informatics, molecular simulation, CALPHAD, and precipitation modeling is preferred, but capable and enthusiastic applicants with varied background will be considered. 

Additional information

The appointment is initially for one year with the expectation of this being extended if the work is going well.  Interested applicants should send a CV in PDF format, a brief cover letter describing suitability for the position (including for which position you are applying), and contact information for 3 references to group recruiter Shipeng Shu at [email protected]. Review of applicants will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Professor Dane Morgan and the Computational Materials Group (CMG) (  CMG is a joint effort of Izabela Szlufarska and Dane Morgan in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UW Madison.  We are a highly active group and work in areas including nuclear materials, amorphous alloys, nanomechanics, nano-bio interfaces, fuel cells, batteries, semiconductors, and geophysics.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials