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Two postdoctoral positions at University of Wash ... (No replies)

7 years ago
pfaendtner 7 years ago

I am currently seeking to fill two open positions for postdoctoral researchers (areas of interest listed below). Interested candidates can contact me via my email ([email protected]) with a CV and list of references to discuss next steps. 

Focus Area 1: Molecular scale driving forces and biomolecules at interfaces. This project will involve molecular dynamics, enhanced sampling methods, and extensive work with experimental collaborators at multiple institutions. A successful candidate will have a published track record using molecular simulations and a working knowledge of biophysical chemistry and/or materials science.

Focus Area 2: Chemical reaction networks in the condensed phase and extreme conditions. This project is partially supported by multiple funding sources. The work involves using molecular dynamics based approaches in conjunction with enhanced sampling methods to study chemical transformations and complex reacting systems. A successful candidate will have a published track record using computational methods to study chemical transformations, a working knowledge of chemical reaction networks, and basic knowledge of enhanced sampling methods.

Additional desired skills (both positions): high performance computing and managing complex simulation workflows, Python, C/C++ or Fortran, excellent oral and written communication skills

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials