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Two postdoctoral positions at Computational Ma ... (No replies)
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Two postdoctoral research positions are available at Computational Materials Science Group in Seoul National University, South Korea. The research group is led by Prof Gun-Do Lee. One position is for the development of environment-dependent tight-binding potentials by using machine learning and the other is for the computational design of hydrogen storage materials. The candidates should have PhD degree in the field of Physics, Materials Science, or Chemistry and should be skillful in first principles calculation codes such as vasp or quantum espresso. In the case of candidates applying to computational design of hydrogen storage materials, the experience of van der Waals interaction at the level of first principles calculation such as vdW-DF will be preferred. In both positions, the experience of various calculation methods such as bond-order potential and Monte Carlo simulation will be profitable. We are working with world-famous aberration-corrected (scanning) transmission electron microscopy experiment groups in UK and Japan. Our publications ( give you a perspective on our research. The salary is negotiable depending on the research experience and achievement. The term of contract is one year but will be extended at least two years more depending on the research achievement. The opening for the positions will be continue until the positions will be filled. The candidates should send a single PDF document including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the list of all publications to Prof. Gun-Do Lee.
For more information and applications contact: Prof. Gun-Do Lee ([email protected])