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Two postdoctoral and one PhD positions in Comput ... (No replies)

6 years ago
svanni 6 years ago

Two ERC- or SNSF-funded postdoctoral positions and 1 PhD position are immediately available in the recently established Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

Our group develops and applies computer simulations to investigate how biological processes involving cellular membranes are regulated at the molecular scale. We combine these in silico investigations with biophysical and biochemical approaches to understand key biological mechanisms with atomistic molecular resolution.

Please check our group website ( for more information.

What we offer

We offer a stimulating, friendly and interdisciplinary work environment, with excellent working conditions (salary, resources, ...) and frontier research projects.

The University of Fribourg (Switzerland) gathers very dynamic researchers with a strong commitment toward innovation and excellence in science. It offers a stimulating and supportive environment, with an open-minded atmosphere ideal to foster synergies. The selected candidates will have the opportunity to interact extensively with members of the Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and of the Adolphe Merkle Institute ( ) in Fribourg, as well as with strong international collaborations with outstanding labs in the fields of membrane biology and physical chemistry.

The successful PhD candidates will enrol in the Fribourg Graduate School of Life Sciences (FGLS) providing high-quality education opportunities to complement the laboratory training. It will also benefit from the close proximity to the CECAM headquarters in Lausanne, where multiple workshops and schools in computational science are held every year ( ).


The Postdoctoral positions are fully funded for 5 years. In addition, the postdoc will have the possibility to apply to prestigious and generous fellowships from the SNF to start an independent career after completion of their postdoctoral fellowship ( )

Initial gross annual salary for Postdocs will be 65,000 CHF (~ 65,000 $).


The PhD position is fully funded for 3 years, with a possible 1-year extension. In addition, PhD students will have the possibility to apply to generous international postdoctoral fellowship ( ) from the SNF after completion of their PhD.

Initial gross annual salary for PhD students will be 47,040 CHF (~ 47,000 $).



We are looking for highly motivated, team-oriented independent thinkers.

For the postdoc positions, the applicant should have a PhD in physics, chemistry, physical chemistry, biophysics, engineering or a related subject. The applicant should have a background in molecular dynamics simulations or computational chemistry. Previous experience in simulations of lipid membranes, membrane proteins or surfactants and Langmuir interfaces is a plus.


For the PhD position, the applicant should have a Master Degree in physics, chemistry, biology, bioinformatics, computer science, engineering or a related subject. Computer literacy and previous experience with molecular simulations, as well as good communication skills and proficiency in English are a plus.

In general, any previous specific knowledge is less important than strong motivation, enthusiasm for scientific research, problem-solving skills, and possibly a track-record of individual and team accomplishments.

Please send your application, including short cover letter (explaining background and motivation) and a complete CV via e-mail to: stefano.vanni “at” The positions will remain open until filled.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials