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Two postdoc positions on the theory and simulati ... (No replies)
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Two post-doctoral positions are immediately available in the group Basic and Applied Molecular Foundations, at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), WA, USA.
We are seeking candidates in the area of theory and molecular simulation at complex vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid interfaces. Experience with electronic structure and atomistic simulations codes are imperative. Candidates with good knowledge of ab initio molecular dynamics codes, classical molecular software and experience with quantum chemical software highly desirable. The successful candidate(s) will be required to conduct large-scale computer simulations on massively parallel high performance computing platforms of reactivity and transport at liquid interfaces. Experience writing analysis software is also highly desirable. The candidate will also interact closely with experimentalists at PNNL who will be performing concurrent measurements on these materials. The programs that the candidate will be contributing to are related to renewable energy practices, such as catalysis, separations or CO2 capture materials.
Other desirable experience includes programming skills (Fortran, C, C++), theory development and experience with modern high performance computation platforms. The successful candidate will work in a team setting and will interact with both theory and experimental colleagues on collaborative projects.
Candidates must have received a PhD within the past five years from an accredited college or university. Candidates must have received a Ph.D. degree in either Chemistry, Physics or Chemical Engineering from an accredited college or university with a track record in publishing scientific research in international peer reviewed journals.
Potential applicants should get in touch with Dr Vanda Glezakou: [email protected]