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Two postdoc positions on molecular simulations (No replies)

Zdenek Futera
5 years ago
Zdenek Futera 5 years ago

Institute of Physics at Faculty of Science of University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic) invites applications for two post-doctorate positions funded by Czech Science Foundations (GACR) on the theme "Electron transfer on electrified heterogeneous interfaces with redox metalloproteins" starting as soon as possible.

One position will have a profile centered on molecular dynamics simulations of metalloproteins under the influence of external electric field, tuning force-field parameters for simulations of electrified biointerfaces based on reference DFT calculations and determination of adsorption structures of selected proteins. The second position will focus more on hybrid QM/MM calculations and large-scale DFT computations of protein junctions followed by analyses of electronic states and modelling of current-voltage curves by different electron-transfer models (incoherent electron hopping vs. coherent electron tunneling). Work on both topics is possible as well.

The posts are available for 1 year in the first instance and can be renewed for another two years. Eligible candidates will have Ph.D. in computational physics / chemistry or related disciplines obtained no longer than 8 years ago and they should not be older than 35 years.

Highly motivated individuals who have experience with calculations of current-voltage characteristics, classical molecular dynamics of biomolecular systems, or first-principle calculations of interfaces are especially encouraged to apply for the positions. Interest in code development (C, Fortran, Python) and/or experience with computational packages such as Gromacs and CP2K is an advantage but not required.

The project will be supervised by Dr. Zdenek Futera to whom the applications should be submitted ([email protected]). The application should include (i) CV in PDF format, (ii) a motivation letter briefly describing your research achievements, (iii) complete list of publications, and (iv) contacts to two senior scientists who could possibly provide recommendation letters upon our request.

For informal inquiries please contact Dr. Z. Futera ([email protected]).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials