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Two postdoc positions in theoretical/computation ... (No replies)

3 years ago
KennethRuud 3 years ago
The Department of Chemistry at UiT The Arctic University of Norway has two Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions vacant, each for a fixed-term position of three years. The positions are attached to the Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences, a Norwegian Centre of Research Excellence.
The application deadline for both positions is May 25 2021.
Research focus for position 1: 
The successful candidate is expected to work on developing the theoretical framework and its implementation for the calculation of solid-state paramagnetic nuclear magnetic resonance spectra (pNMR) of doublet systems in a two- and four-component relativistic framework based on Gaussian-type integrals. The methodology implemented will be applied to relevant materials science problems. Mentors will be Prof. Kenneth Ruud and Dr. Michal Repisky. To apply and to find more information, visit the webpages of
Researhc focus for position 2:
The successful candidate is expected to work on developing multiscale modelling methods for the understanding of spectroscopic processes in a wide frequency range for a range of different systems, from solvated molecules to large biomolecular complexes. The successful candidate is in particular expected to continue the development of polarizable embedding and polarizable density embeddings method for the study of advanced vibrational spectroscopies and the extension of the approach to magnetic and X-ray spectroscopies. Mentor will be Prof. Kenneth Ruud. To apply and to find more information, visit the webpages of
For both positions, applicants are required to hold a Norwegian doctoral degree in the subject area or a corresponding foreign doctoral degree recognized as equivalent to a Norwegian doctoral degree. Qualification with a PhD is required before commencement in the position. If you’re at the final stages of your PhD, you may still apply if you have submitted your PhD thesis for doctoral degree evaluation within the application deadline. You must submit the thesis with your application. You must have dissertated before the start-up date of the position. For full qualification requirements, check the full announcement texts.
We offer
  • An internationally recognized research environment
  • An international research environment with an active visitor program
  • Transferable skills training and individual career development
  • A fully funded postdoc/researcher position
  • Attractive welfare benefits and a generous pension agreement
  • Family-friendly policies and surroundings
  • Flexible working hours and a state collective pay agreement 
  • Pension scheme through the state pension fund 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials