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Two Postdoc positions in London on CO2 mineraliz ... (No replies)
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Position Details:
Two postdoctoral positions are available at Queen Mary University of London to work on the computational and experimental characterization of the molecular-level processes controlling the crystallization of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3), specifically focusing on enhancing the direct CO2 conversion to anhydrous MgCO3 at mild conditions. The two successful applicants will work within Department of Chemistry of Queen Mary, under the direct supervision of Dr Devis Di Tommaso and Dr Greg Chass, and collaborate closely with industrial and academic project partners in Cambridge, Granada, Grenoble, Oviedo and Utrecht.
Starting date: During September 2019
Remuneration: The starting salary will be from £33.615 to £37,411 per annum. Benefits include 30 days annual leave, final salary pension scheme and interest-free season ticket loan.
Duration and funding: Available for a period of 30 months, funded by Accelerating CCS Technologies (http://www.act-ccs.ue)
Research project:
FUNMIN (Fundamental Studies of Mineral Carbonation with Application to CO2 Sequestration) is a UK-led industrial-academic consortium between the company Cambridge Carbon Capture Ltd (, and leading academics with a strong record of accomplishment in the investigation of the fundamental aspects of crystal growth & nucleation using simulation & experimental techniques (Queen Mary, Granada, Grenoble, Oviedo, and Utrecht). The aim of FUNMIN is to optimise the process of CO2 mineralisation into MgCO3, actioned from the most evolved simulations & empirical determinations worldwide of the molecular events surrounding MgCO3 formation from inert solution
Computational postdoctoral position:
The ideal candidate should have a PhD in Computational Chemistry, or a closely related field, and be able to work effectively, independently and sociably within a team. Previous experience in molecular dynamics, enhanced sampling techniques, and code development are highly desirable.
Experimental postdoctoral position:
The ideal candidate should have a PhD in Physical Chemistry, or a closely related field, and be able to work effectively, independently and sociably within a team. Previous experience in advanced characterization techniques (neutron scattering, THz spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, nanoimaging, and Raman) is essential. An interest/knowledge in crystal growth and geochemistry are highly desirable.
Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Devis Di Tommaso ([email protected]) and Dr Greg Chass ([email protected]).
To apply, please visit the Human Resources website on and search for references QMUL19351 (computational post) and QMUL19353 (experimental post). The closing date for applications is 19 August 2019. Interviews will be held shortly thereafter.