Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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Two Postdoc Positions in Electronic Structure Ca ... (No replies)
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Chemical Physics Group at University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) is seeking to fill two postdoctoral positions focused on electronic structure computations in the following areas:
1) modeling of 2D materials (see mentor interests at,
2) development and application of quantum Monte Carlo method (see mentor interests at
Ph.D. degree in physics, chemistry, material science or related field is expected, as well as advanced knowledge of some of the electronic structure method/s related to the above-mentioned areas/topics. Experience with many-body methods, scripting, or programming would be an advantage.
The positions will be available for 1 year with a possible extension for up to 3 years upon mutual agreement of both sides. The offered salary ranges between 1000-1600 EUR gross per month, depending on experience of the candidate. In case of distinguished candidates, the salary and other contract conditions may be further negotiated.
The application deadline is 27 November 2017. The anticipated start date is between 1 January and 1 June, 2018. Applications including CV and full publication list and other inquiries should be submitted to [email protected]