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Two postdoc positions in computational physics o ... (No replies)
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Postdoc in computational physics of magnetic materials
Job description
We seek 1-2 excellent candidates for positions as postdoctoral researchers in computational materials physics with a focus on magnetic properties, placed in Professor Anna Delin's research group at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. The research, which has a strong emphasis on basic research, will be performed in close collaboration with Professor Olle Eriksson's group at Uppsala University (materials theory) and Professor Johan Åkerman's group at Gothenburg University (experimental spintronics). Using high-performance computational (HPC) resources, Anna’s research team analyzes electron structure, magnetic properties and transport properties of primarily low-dimensional systems (e.g., surfaces, polymers, molecules, nanosystems). We also perform method development. An important focus is spin transport and the connection between spin and lattice dynamics. Our research method is based on density functional calculations and atomistic spin dynamics, micromagnetic simulations and model Hamiltonians, in combination with data-driven methods. The group has access to large HPC resources.
As a postdoctoral researcher in the group, you are expected to take a driving role in one or more of the areas described above. The specific research project will be designed based on your specific expertise and research interests. A small amount of supervision of PhD students and/or teaching may be included in the position.
The applied physics department at KTH offers a vibrant and stimulating research environment. We are co-located with researchers from Stockholm University and NORDITA. Throughout the academic year, seminars, schools and workshops are organized and frequently visited by world leading researchers from many fields of physics.
Applicants should hold a PhD in a relevant research area, obtained not more than three years prior to the application deadline (time spent on, e.g., parental leave or sick leave can be deducted). Applicants should have significant previous research experience from a research environment other than KTH.
Qualified candidates must have in-depth knowledge of quantum physics and physics of magnetic materials, as well as extensive experience in computational materials physics, documented in the form of for example scientific publications and/or method development.
Applicants should be very motivated to carry out basic research at a high level and be able to work independently and as part of a team. Pedagogical ability, great willingness to collaborate, and awareness of diversity and equal treatment issues with a special focus on gender equality are important personal characteristics.
Excellent oral and written knowledge of the English language is required, in particular excellent ability to draft and write scientific publishable text. Great emphasis will be placed on personal competence and suitability.
The application must include:
Log into KTH's recruitment system in order to apply to this position. You are responsible to ensure that your application is complete according to the instructions in the ad.
Your complete application must be received by KTH no later than the last day of application (see link below), midnight CET/CEST (Central European Time/Central European Summer Time).
About the employment
The position offered is a two-year position. There are possibilities to continue as a researcher within the group for two additional years.
A position as a postdoctoral fellow is a time-limited qualified appointment focusing mainly on research, intended as a first career step after a dissertation.
Gender equality, diversity and zero tolerance against discrimination and harassment are important aspects of KTH's work with quality as well as core values in our organization.
Please follow this link to apply: