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Two post-doc positions - Development and calibr ... (No replies)

4 years ago
giuseppefisicaro 4 years ago
The CNR Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems - Catania Headquarters (Italy) - open two Post-doc positions funded through the European Horizon 2020 project MUNDFAB "Modeling Unconventional Nanoscaled Device FABrication" (
Here you can find all informations:
    Application deadline: 21/07/2020
    Application deadline: 04/08/2020
Project description:
Technology-computer aided design (TCAD) is indispensable for the early stages of industrial research and development. Anyhow, current continuum tools lose their predictivity in the nano scale and low temperature processes. They are then neither able to predict the reduced electrical activation of dopants, nor topography effects, nor defect formation and growth. To overcome the insufficient state of models and tools, dedicated experimental investigations will be performed for solid-phase epitaxial regrowth, epitaxial deposition, and nanosecond laser annealing. Model development will be based whenever possible on the KMC and LKMC tools of Sentaurus Process, complemented by model development with own tools only when the functionality of commercial products is not sufficient. Own tools will be looped into the Sentaurus TCAD workflow so that we obtain a complete calibrated toolchain able to simulate the virtual fabrication of the 3D sequential integration of nanoscaled devices.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials