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Two post doc positions / computational nanophysi ... (No replies)

1 year ago
hahakkin 1 year ago

The Postdoctoral Researchers will work in the research group of prof. Hannu Häkkinen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) in projects where gold and silver nanoclusters will be functionalized for bioimaging, biosensing, and photodynamic therapy. The researchers will participate in 

Task1. development and validation of electronic structure methods to study photophysics (absorption and fluorescence) of the nanoclusters in a wide energy range from X-rays to visible light, or

Task2. application of classical MD methods to study biocompatibility of clusters.

The international setting of the project enables interactions with experimental groups in US and Canada. The group of prof. Häkkinen works at the JYU’s Nanoscience Center which  is an interdisciplinary research organization where physicists, chemists and biologists work together to study nature at the nanoscale. NSC forms an international scientific community and its research projects span from fundamental investigations of processes in nanoscale structures to development of commercial products.

You are the person we are looking for if you have:

1) A doctoral degree in a suitable sub-area of computational physics or computational chemistry

2) Capability of conducting independent research, solid communication skills in English language and scientific writing, and at least two of the qualifications 3-7.

3) Experience in electronic structure calculations of nanomaterials, nanoparticles or atomic clusters.

4) Experience in Density Functional Theory (DFT) both in the ground state and time-dependent formalisms, and its implementation in at least one of the widely used DFT software such as GPAW, ADF, VASP… and/or QM/MM methods

5) Experience in classical molecular dynamics (MD) methods applied to biological systems.

6) Experience in developing or applying machine learning methods in data analysis and/or atomistic simulations.

7) Programming skills and ability for method development and implementation.

More information on the positions and how to apply: 

The positions are available from the beginning of October 2023 for two-year fixed term. Deadline for applications is August 25. 

Note that only those applications that have been submitted through the University's job portal at the above link will be considered.

Contact: hannu.j.hakkinen (at) 

Group website: 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials