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Two Post-doc positions at U Liege in first and s ... (No replies)

8 years ago
mverstra 8 years ago

Two post-doctoral research fellowships are open in the Quantum Materials Center of the CESAM Research Unit at the University of Liège, on the topic of second-principles modelling of materials properties. The aim is to construct and use automatic software engines to fit efficient "second principles" model Hamiltonians from first principles data. This will enable accurate large scale simulation of coupled electronic, vibrational, dielectric, and magnetic properties of materials under realistic operating conditions (at finite temperature, with defects, or under mechanical constraints). The post-docs will work as a team on a common infrastructure of code. Each fellowship couples specific model developments with applications to novel mesoscale phenomena (functional grain boundaries, controllable electric and magnetic domains, ...) in a selected class of compounds (oxides, intermetallics, phase change materials). The applications range from the coupling between orbital, charge, spin and lattice degrees of freedom to transport, crystallization, or electrical switching in memory cells.

Candidates should be highly motivated and productive, with strong analytical and physics backgrounds, and particular skills in programming and code development. Experience with ab initio/DFT and model Hamiltonians are strong pluses. The post-docs will work under the supervision of Profs. M. Verstraete, J.-Y. Raty, E. Bousquet and Ph. Ghosez and integrate a team of 15-20 scientists in the Quantum Materials Center of the CESAM Research Unit, working on electronic structure methods and applications to thermoelectrics, (multi-)ferroic oxides, and disordered systems.

Liège is a vibrant and welcoming city, with a medium sized green campus (25 000 students), affordable housing, and excellent links to Europe.

The contracts are for 2 years, include full benefits and coverage, and are tax-free to encourage foreign talent: applicants should not have worked more than 1 year in Belgium prior to the beginning of the contract. The positions are open immediately, and will remain so until filled.

Send CV with publication list, letter of motivation and the contacts of at least 2 references to the following emails:

[email protected] ; [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials