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Two PhD positions in materials modeling at Mater ... (No replies)

Igor Abrikosov
6 years ago
Igor Abrikosov 6 years ago

Two PhD positions are available at Materials Modeling and Development Laboratory, NUST “MISIS”, Russia, for highly motivated candidates. The focus of the project is on advanced computer simulations of materials properties at high-pressure and high-temperature relevant for fundamental understanding of the behavior of matter at extreme conditions, as well as for the knowledge-based materials design.

The position requires a master degree in physics, chemistry, engineering or materials science. Candidates need to have excellent knowledge of quantum mechanics and solid-state physics, as well as demonstrated experience in computer simulations. Experience with theoretical methods for atomistic simulations is highly desirable. Good programing skills will be considered as great advantage. Strong emphasis will be placed on personal qualities and suitability, such as the ability to work in team, collaborate with other PhD students, accuracy, flexibility and scientific productivity. You should be inventive and have an independent attitude.

Application procedure:
Applications must be submitted to Prof. Igor Abrikosov [email protected] by June 28, 2019.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials