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Two PhD positions in Computational Materials Sci ... (No replies)
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Two PhD positions are available in the group of Prof. Sergey V. Levchenko ( at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) ( in Moscow, Russia. The Institute has a variety of PhD programs. The knowledge of English is required, the knowledge of Russian is NOT a requirement.
The group of Prof. Levchenko develops and applies first-principles and artificial intelligence methods to study adsorption, defect formation, and chemical reactions (heterogeneous catalysis) at surfaces at realistic temperature, pressure, and doping conditions. We are driven by scientific curiosity and the great need for new and more efficient functional materials, in particular for chemical (and) energy conversion, and preservation of the environment. There is a number of PhD projects to choose from, which can be discussed during an interview with candidates who have passed a preliminary selection stage. Our group is also affiliated with the Theory Department of the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin, Germany, and members of the group have opportunities for visiting this world-renowned institution.
Successful candidates should hold (or be about to receive) a master’s degree in Physics, Materials Science, or a related area. Good knowledge of quantum mechanics is expected. Candidates who have interest in writing computer code and shell scripts are preferred. Please send a motivation letter and your CV, including names and contact information of two referees, to [email protected].