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Two PhD positions in Computational Biophysics/-c ... (No replies)

3 months ago
ukleinekat 3 months ago

Two PhD positions on Computational Biophysics/chemistry and on the Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems are available in the group of Prof. Ulrich Kleinekathoefer at Constructor University Bremen, Germany

One position is focused on multi-scale modeling of charge transfer in heme-containing complexes. The respective research will involve a combination of quantum and molecular dynamics simulations as well as electronic structure calculations with some similarities to earlier work on charge and excitation energy transfer also using non-adiabatic methods (see

The second project focuses on the dynamics in open quantum systems applied, e.g., to the time propagation of excitons and charges in biological systems such as light-harvesting complexes but with possible connections to quantum computing.

The Computational Physics and Biophysics Group lead by Prof. Ulrich Kleinekathoefer is located at Constructor University Bremen, a private, state-accredited, English-language research university. The research group focuses on modeling dynamical processes in (bio)molecular systems using quantum and classical approaches and especially combinations thereof. Molecular simulations of light-harvesting complexes and membrane proteins are at the center of the research. For more details see

The successful candidates should hold a master degree in theoretical (bio)physics or theoretical (bio)chemistry. Solid knowledge in the theory of molecular systems and statistical mechanics as well as skills in molecular dynamics simulations are highly desirable especially for the first position. Proficiency in programming would be beneficial. A good command of English is essential, both as the local working language and because of our international collaborations.

The PhD positions are available immediately and applications will be considered until the positions are filled. Applicants should submit a CV, a brief statement of research interests, and the names of two referees by e-mail to Prof. Ulrich Kleinekathoefer at

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials