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Two Ph. D. Positions - Prof. Nuria Lopez' G ... (No replies)

1 year ago
nvendrell 1 year ago

Role: Ph.D. Student

Type: Full-time

Last Application Date: 11th June 2023

Prof. Nuria Lopez offers TWO grants to do a Ph.D. under her supervision at ICIQ, Spain. You must have a master's degree in Physics, Physical/Computational Chemistry, or, if you are studying one, finish it this academic year 2022-23.


Project: Acceleration of atomistic simulations through graph neural networks
Reference: PhD 2023-35 NL

Project: Machine Learning for Smart Characterization
Reference: PhD 2023-36 NL


Application link: 


The programme is addressed to highly qualified and talented graduate students with a keen interest in chemical research. Candidates should have an excellent academic record, strong commitment to scientific research and a solid working knowledge of English.

Admission to the programme is on a competitive basis.

Only one application per person will be considered. In case of multiple applications, only the first application submitted will be taken into consideration.

The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) is committed to solving major social and economic challenges such as climate change and the sustainable supply of raw materials and renewable energies. Recognized with 2 Severo Ochoa Accreditations of Excellence, the Institute hosts 330 researchers organized in 15 research groups working on catalysis, renewable energies and computational chemistry. As of January of 2023, ICIQ counts with 6 ICREA Professorships and 22 European Research Council grants, being an attractive research center in the chemical field.

Located in Tarragona, close to the most important chemical hub in Southern Europe, ICIQ fosters collaboration with industry, transferring the knowledge and technology generated at the institute to promote the generation of new patents and spin-offs. Another key pillar of ICIQ is preparing the future generation of scientists by offering high-quality training from engaging youngsters to postdoctoral researchers.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials