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two permanent positions in condensed matter/stat ... (No replies)
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2 permanent positions at Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb Croatia.
We are looking for a candidates working on computational/theoretical condensed matter, materials physics or statistical physics.
The successful candidates should demonstrate a vigorous research activity in the field of theoretical condensed matter or statistical physics or material science or complex systems. They are expected to strengthen the research activities of the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group at the Rudjer Bošković Institute. Successful candidates are expected to independently propose and carry on their research program, to bring new research grants to department, and to significantly raise the research profile of department.
- PhD in theoretical physics
- strong record of research accomplishments revealed through the published papers in the leading scientific journals, preferably in the areas of theoretical condensed matter or statistical physics or material science or complex systems
- international postdoctoral experience
- good written and oral English language communication skills
- potential to attract external research funding
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